Who We Are
The Alpha Zeta Chapter of the Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity was established at the University of Tennessee in 1924. Since 1924, more than 2500 students have been initiated into the Alpha Zeta Chapter. Delta Sigma Pi guides and shapes students at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville into strong business leaders.
A Message from the President

Hello, I am Shivani Patel, and I am currently serving as the Chapter President of Delta Sigma Pi!
Delta Sigma Pi is a co-ed, professional business fraternity that is dedicated to fostering academic excellence, social engagement, as well as strong community values within its members. We are more than just a student organization on campus; we are a family.
From attending chapter events together to studying for exams, there will always be a brother in your corner. I am so proud and grateful of the community that Delta Sigma Pi has provided for the students of Haslam College of Business, at the University of Tennessee.
Over the last two years, I have been fortunate enough to gain vast leadership experience and create a network composed of peers, professors, and recruiters, thanks to the resources and peers Delta Sigma Pi has provided me with. This fraternity truly has turned me into the woman I am today, and I am beyond proud to represent these ambitious, driven, and compassionate students.
I hope you, too, will be able to see how Delta Sigma Pi is one of the most exceptional organizations, and I hope one day you will be able to experience the brotherhood that I hold so close to my heart.
Shivani Patel
Alpha Zeta President